So about my artworks...
I know two of my artworks Sucks bec. they are just sketches but some people say it's awesome but the thing is maybe it's just a sketch and no additional graphic is good so far(MAYBE)...i just thought it was kinda like deviantart...where i can like post shit like THAT but NO...I think i won't get scouted if i posted those other three...
So the thing is should i delete "DIMAGO","MAO","CURLY ASCII"...? if anyone answers yes i'll promise to make more and better...if no then maybe i'll keep it and just submit more until i get scouted...i just wish some of the Admins of newgrounds can read this...
PLS GOD GIVE ME A SIGN...and the thing why i don't submit more graphic arts bec. i don;t have a tablet...if i do i'll even make flashes...flash cs4 is already installed in my pc but only few stick animation...which i wont submit bec. it sucks...COMMENT PLS...
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU NEWGROUNDS^^ especiallyjasonthenitro wooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooo i just got scouted ...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!